Larry's Los Angeles Firefighting Page

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                1999 Pierce Dash-2, Los Angeles City Fire Department Engine 105

These pages are dedicated to the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day.

Please give generously to help the families of the over 300 fire fighters lost in the attack on the World Trade Center. Please click on the image above for more information.

Leukemia and other blood-related cancers are among the most serious types of cancers known, yet funding for research into these terrible diseases runs behind other forms of cancer. Please give generously to help fight leukemia and lymphoma. Click on the image above for more information on how you can help.

 Visit my Ham Radio Page

If you would like to learn more about the important job they do, simply click on any of the links below and while you are here, check out the "Pictures" link as well.

Fire Apparatus Pictures

Updated 10/05/05

Fire Links  

Los Angeles City Fire Department    

Ventura County Fire Dept.

 Gary Lineberry-Retired LACoFD Helicopter Pilot  

 L.A. Fire Photos    

Freq of Nature-L.A. Scanner Frequencies

    Orange Co. (CA) Fire Dept.

Los Angeles Co. Fire Dept.

    Unofficial LACoFD Page

     Firehouse Magazine Online

Live Earthquake Map

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