Ridingduo's Latest!

Okay, here's what's up.
Some of you have come here after getting an E-mail from me direct,
and others have come through some link posted at a newsgroup, forum or another page of mine somewhere.
I'll be using this page as a portal to some of my newer work.

However you got here, thanks for the visit!
If you have any problems with the FLASH slideshow, please check out the galleries!

Immaculate Heart School

Click here for the slide show.
Click here for the image gallery.

San Xavier Mission

Click here for the slide show.
Click here for the image gallery.

Kitt Peak Observatory

Slide show not ready.
Click here for the image gallery.

After The Burn

A short look at the Mt. Lemon fire.
Click here for the image gallery.

Our Spring 2002 visit to Southwest Colorado

Dunton, Colorado
Rico, Colorado
The Weatherill Fire (panoramic)
Cortez from above. (panoramic)

Our collection of American Indian sites

Hovenweep National Monument CO/UT Border
Kodak House Mesa Verde (a jClicker test)
Long House Ruin Mesa Verde
Lowry Ruin, Canyons Of The Ancients CO/UT Border
Newspaper Rock SE Utah Canyonlands
Sand Canyon SE Utah Canyonlands
Signal Hill at the Saguaro National Monument Tohono O'odham, So Az (Slide Show)
The Cliff Palace Mesa Verde
The Escalante Ruins Dolores River Valley, CO

Come on back now, ya hear?

We're home... ...and the light's always on.