Prem's Music Box

version française 



This place intend to be a bit of a noisy one, héhé !

You'll find here a musical selection of my own, wich I'll try to change once a week.

They are recorded using MP3 format, a usefull compression rate without loss of audio quality.

If you don't have a MP3 player yet , download one for free.

You can also have a look on my photo album if you wish to do so.

Now let's the music play. Just click on the title you want to get.


Intro live (1 .6 Mo)

Pas assez de toi (2.2 Mo)

Lorelei Sebasto Cha (3.7 Mo)

Nine over easy (7.3 Mo)

Rapanagatun (3.3 Mo)

If someone knows why my scan gives me those bad picts now when he used to work allright till last week, please let me know.

As a bonus for short timed people, here are 2 mono samples (235 ko each) of Louise Attaque, Léa & Ton Invitation, (thank you Juliette, héhé !) and a link (from Oz princess, cheers Kath...) to the lefdup (alternative french rock group) pages, providing VDOs .

Hey you Jimmy Hendrix fans ! Did you know his widow is fighting to make a record of her own ?

To get the full info, help and get in touch with a concerned guy , click here.

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