Age: 4 years in Sara's head, I act like I'm around 16

Position: Permanent resident; I'm the one who sits in the corner doesn't talk and begs for attention by being anti-social. It gets me things. I'm the selfish side of Sara, I'm quiet but I'm powerful, I'm also a little full of myself

Relatives & Relationships: All the fays, but I'm very close to Sara, Confusious and Alla. Recently I've fallen in live with Lucifer.

Contact: put my name as the subject


Colours - blue and black    

Clothes - blue and black baby doll dress along with my shield dust pouch and my dagger

Foods - water and bread

Books - the bell jar, Jim Morrison's poetry, sabriel, handmaid's tale, and pollen

Movies - I'm not big on these

Musicians - Bauhaus, Tori Amos, some David Bowie, NIN

Hobbies: planning how to take over the world or just the neighborhood if I'm feeling lazy, reading, and perhaps having a little fun with Confusious

What's going on:

April.13/2001 Nothing much really, I think this site kind of cracked my shell so now I'll need a few extra months of sulking.

April.18/2001 I feel like I could scream, but I'm very happy. Two days ago Lucifer took me to Hell because he wanted me to see it. We had be talking for a while, he's very good at getting a girl talking. So we went and we totally fell for each other. He's so great! He's kind of snooty but that's okay cause so am I and our snootiness only turns us on if we're in the mood for you know what. Don't want any of you to think I've changed just cause I'm in love that is not the case, I must still fulfill my deed, but Sara's been so happy herself that it can't hurt to take part in the joy right? *sprinkles faery dust* Oh my, next thing you know I'll be wearing Alla's clothes. 


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