Jeffrey Brian Romanczuk was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the Northeast Catholic High School for Boys in Philadelphia and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education from the Pennsylvania State University.

Working experience has included two years of teaching high school English, seven years as an officer in the United States Air Force, and research associate/training project manager positions with the Oak Ridge Associated Universities since 1993.

Jeff is a member of the Special Libraries Association and the Project Management Institute. He is a life member of both the Autism Society of America and the Air Force Association. His work has been published in the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Today magazine, New Voices in American Poetry, the newsletter of the Southern Appalachian Chapter of the Special Libraries Association, and Records Management Quarterly.

He is married to the former Cathy Jean Webb, of Maryville, Tennessee. They have two children, Luke and Kate.

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Jeff and Cathy Romanczuk,