Carcharadon Carcharias, The Great White Shark

Carcharadon Carcharias

Learning About and Preserving the Great White Shark

The Hunter

Carcharodon Carcharias or the Great White Shark is the product of millions of years of evolution. Its body length ranges between 10 and 21 feet,but is most commonly between 12 and 16 feet. With incredibly strong retractable jaws and a powerful submarine shaped body the Great White is a deadly and efficient predator. Their diet consists mainly of fish, sea lions, whale carcasses, and dolphins. They have, however, been known to eat anything from sea turtles to other sharks! The blue to black color that covers the shark's top half makes it nearly invisible from above. It is believed that the giant fish prowls the deep peering up for the sillouette of passing prey and then attacks from below.

Mistaken Identity

Most attacks on humans turn out to be merely bites and are a case of the shark mistaking the silouette of a swimmer or surfer for that of a sea lion or turtle. This brings into question wether White Sharks are maneaters or wether they realize, after biting, that the human was not the intended prey and swim off in search of a more suitable meal. Many researchers believe that humans do not contain enough fat to represent a worthy meal to a hungry White. Unfortunately for the swimmer one little taste can cause massive blood loss, dismemberment or in some cases death.

Predator or Prey?

With the typical hollywood rendition of the Great White, it is no wonder that this magnificent creature has suffered at the hands of mankind. Overfishing and pollution has led to the decline in many shark species, but most notably in the Great White. With the exception of their feeding habits, very little is known about these amazing creatures.

Where do they breed?
How many are left?
How big is a full grown specimen?
How long do they live?
How far do they travel?
Do they live in groups?

As indestructable as these creatures seem they are losing the battle against man and are dwindling on the verge of extinction. Without the concern of man, its only natural enemy, the great fish will be lost and the oceans will be without one of the most fascinating predators to ever exist on the planet. So little is known about this incredibly successful and perfectly adapted creature, it would be a sad day if the last of the Great White Sharks were to pass from existence. This page is meant to raise concern among those unaware of the present condition of the shark population. With the concern of the general public as well as the concern of environmentalists, the Great White Shark could possibly become a symbol of environmental triumph, but without concern it could just as easily become an environmental misfortune.

Links to other sites about Great Whites

You will not find any pages in these links that encourage, or advertise the commercial exploitation (paid cage diving, sportfishing etc...) of White Sharks.

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation

Shark Friends

Douglas J. Long's Great White Page

Great White Shark Protection in NSW

This sight was intended to raise awareness concerning the plight of one of the most amazing and beautiful creatures on the planet, the Great White Shark. Please support organizations aimed at conservation and the preservation of our oceans.

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