by Truda Mawby

Before I begin to recount something of our early years with the beloved Beagles, I feel it necessary to first pay tribute to a little black "bitsa" called "Scamp". As a young girl growing up in Sydney, she was my constant shadow - loyal, adoring and totally obedient. By the time she died at the age of 171/2 years I was married with 2 sons and living in Canberra. We decided that if our next dog was going to live that long it might as well have a pedigree.

The Beagle and the Basset were both in contention, but, having first viewed a litter of Beagles, the matter was of course settled!

At Easter 1965, after considerable deliberation, we purchased our first Beagle from Bob and Jean Davies, of Pymble, NSW., who, over the years, have become very dear friends. Warrandoo Brindabella was by the popular sire of the day - Ch. Oatendale Peter - owned by Tom Longmuir, and was out of Ashdale Mandy.

"Brinda" was bought as a pet to be sterilized, however, we went to no end of trouble to ensure we had a quality pup and took her "with papers". Bob and Jean, being very patient souls and a lot more discerning than we were at that stage, suggested that, as she would be registered in our name, we might as well show her a few times prior to sterilization. That of course, was our fatal mistake!

Until then we were a perfectly normal young couple with 2 children enjoying our leisure in a completely normal fashion. But now, 23 years and over 50 champions later, we still try to fight the addiction.

"Brinda" was shown in Canberra and surrounding country towns and had the distinction of being in the first Championship Show conducted by the Beagle Club of NSW. on the 14th November, 1965.

On being transferred to Perth in March 1966, we took with us a 5 week old puppy bitch, KINTORE CHATTERBOX, bred by Bill and Christine ORR of Canberra. "Peggy", as she became known, was out of their lovely bitch Ch. Oatendale Rickety Kate, by R. Holleis venerable Ashdale Cargo (Imp. in dam U.K.)

Being a rich tri-colour with full blanket and offset by a white collar, she was a striking and compact young bitch and, although of pure English breeding, was very much in keeping with the influence the predominantly American-bred Ch. Lees Pennon (Imp. .K.) was making an impression on the breed in N.S.W.

"Brinda" mated to Ch. Lees Pennon, produced from our first litter Ch. Clarion Commotion, a multiple BIG winner and twice BIS

This combination was repeated in 1967, resulting in two outstanding bitches Ch. Clarion Calamity and Ch. Nicolette - the latter being purchased as a young puppy by Mrs. Massara (Norma Massara's mother - Balansheen). As far as we recall "Calamity" was the first and one of the very few liver, tan and white Beagles in Australia to make their championship.

The success of the first litter encouraged us to send "Peggy' on three visits to "Pennon" over the period 1968 - 70 - resulting in Ch. Cascade, Cluff, Cameo and Clinch.

In 1969 "Commotion" and "Calamity" out of "Brinda" and "Cascade" and 'Cluff' out of "Peggy", being the progeny retained from the first three litters, were exhibited at the Sydney Royal and the N.S.W. Beagle Club under Lily Turner and Pat Curties (Lees' prefix) respectively. Much to our joy all were placed at both shows. Cluff and Cascade who were litter brother and sister won their class at both shows, and the team of four all won their class at the Beagle Club, Commotion and Cascade taking out both C.C.'s.

At this stage of our breeding program we faced a dilemma in the selection of a suitable sire. Several interstate dogs were used, but, although producing some good stock, the special breed qualities we were striving for, were not forthcoming. The only progeny from these matings, of significance was a bitch C. Cappawidgee (Ch.Lees Banjo ex Ch. C. Calamity) Although she was used to breed on for a time., it was decided not to return to Banjo. It was clear that the kennel was virtually marking time and the conclusion was reached that a fresh stud force, to compliment Lees Pennon, was badly needed in Australia.

Enjoying a family holiday in Sydney in 1972, we called on Dan & Vicki Scott ("Scottholme") to have a look at a new dog that Mollie Grocott had first imported to New Zealand. As they say, this was a dog that "filled the eye" and produced that very special excitement that comes to dog breeder’s on very rare occasions. His name, of course - Aust. & NZ Ch.Annasline Fanfare (Imp. UK). History confirms he certainly did fulfill his visual promise and provide Australia with what it required.

We returned to Perth with future matings in mind, and having made a timely purchase of a puppy bitch from Fanfare's first litter in Australia, bred by Ruth Hasemar out of her successful brood bitch Sylvanlee Sieglinde. Sylvanlee Cymbal was to prove a most for the kennel's future.

In March the following year Cascade gave birth litter to her one and only litter to Fanfare, resulting in a dog Clipper and two "Enna". This litter was to establish finally the basis 'line'. Cascade was tragically killed soon after.

At the beginning of 1974, Trevor and Vera Lloyd from South Australia sent their top winning bitch Ch. Olivet Aspasia (C.C’s at Adelaide & Melbourne Royals) to Clinch, and we were most fortunate to be offered Trevera Guinea from the resulting litter. Guinea pr valuable acquisition and the sire of "Centavos", also a multiple BIG and BIS winner, including BIS at the 38th NSW Beagle Club in 1984.

The foregoing resume has concentrated on the significant dogs in the kennel's early history, but of course there were many others and their progeny that came and went and did not achieve the same importance. However, over the years, whilst maintaining a policy of culling heavily, the situation was reached where all the stock that had been retained were descended from "Peggy" and the influence of our original bitch "Brinda" had completely disappeared.

Whatever success we may now enjoy has, in the final outcome, been based on one bitch - KINTORE CHATTERBOX - and two outstandingly influential stud dogs in Ch. LEES PENNON (Imp.UK) and Aust & NZ Ch. ANNASLINE FANFARE (Imp. UK).
