In lieu of a late Christmas Card we bring you our lame excuse for a webpage instead. We are terrible about keeping in touch.

A few points about our lives this year:


Todd working as Engineer / Designer for Core BTS in Falls Church

Completed his 5th year as primary teacher and is being promoted to Nursery worker, where he can try to control our mini Houdini, Elijah

Actually started playing trombone again (after almost 8 years)


Katrina stopped working at Harmonia School and teaches piano part-time from home (roughly 8 students currently)

Finished teaching early morning seminary in May and still misses it!

Is still in denial that she will be adding a little girl to our brood in April


James started attending preschool this year and loves telling jokes

“Knock, Knock…..Who’s There…..Atch….Atch Who…..Bless you”

We are so proud!

He loves cars, going to the park and trash talkin’ with his friends


Elijah is our comedian and is a snuggler

He loves beating up James, collecting sticks and making a mess

He can escape a locked room in 12 seconds


We hope that this season finds you well. What a wonderful time of year to gather together and remember the life of Jesus Christ. May you all feel the spirit of the season year-round.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,

Todd, Katrina, James, Elijah & ……Foard