Bad Traders :((First of all i want to say that i really hate this section, I doubted a long time whether i should it or not. Finally i decided to add it because the person in fact ripped of many others besides me. All I want to advice you is : Never do business with Tobi Dorf !! He often sells bootlegs on ebay he takes the money but never sends you the item. When you win his auction he sends you a friendly e-mail with paying information, when you have sent him the money he won't sent you the item and ignores all your e-mails. Be carefull ! He uses many identities on ebay: tripthelight@web.de , spunkmaster@web.de, propellorman, heartwork@wtal.de, tripthelightfantastic@web.de . Behind all those identities (which all have horrible feedback) it's the same person: Tobi. He simply takes a new ebay account when he gained enough nagative feedback and thinks that people won't trust that identity any more. Be carefull when sending money to a person you don't know living in Wuppertal in Germany !!