Wonderful Things My Kids Say

Kids say the most interesting things, and I've found that mine are no exception. Sometimes I have to just stop and laugh, or cry at what they say.

This page is still under construction, and I'm sure will be always growing.
The wavs that are next to the pictures are of the kids, introducing themselves. They may take a moment to download.

I took my kids to get doughnuts at KrispyKreme. Garrett wanted a longjohn, but they didn't have any. So I ordered him a regular doughnut with the creme filling, and chocolate frosting. He got his doughnut and said "Look Mom, I have a short john!!"

Garrett's favorite joke at age 5:
How do you make a kleenex dance?
Put a little boogie in it!!!

Garret used to climb in our bed almost every night, and when I was pregnant with Andria, he would snuggle up, right on top of me, kiss my belly, and lay down on top of it. He would say "I'm keeping the baby warm"

When Garrett was in Kindergarten, they made cards for Mother’s Day. Inside the card, they put little cards with things that they would do for their mothers. Like I will pick you some flowers, and I will give you a hug. Garrett gave me my card…and I opened it and told him how wonderful it was, and how I was looking forward to doing all those things. Then he said to me "I took out the ‘I will clean my room’ and threw it away before I gave you the card."

Kari is a wonderful girl, and she always speaks what she thinks. The kids came to visit me in the hospital when I had Andria, and when Kari held her, she said "She smells like a hot dog!"

My sister put Kari's hair in braids and then wrapped it into buns on the sides above her ears. Kari went to my mother and said "Look, I'm Princess Layaway" (StarWars fan)

For Mommy
This is Andria. We call her Ria, because that's what she'll answer to. Andria is my live wire. When she was born, she was the perfect baby. If all babies were like her, everyone would have 6 or 7. But, my brief respite is over, and now she is a little terror. She's my "color on the wall, dump out the koolaid, pull the dogs tail, take off my clothes, run from Mom" baby.

My two older kids spent the week with my parents. That left Andria to reign supreme. We took her to a restaurant on the first night they were away, and she promply stole the waiters heart. She sang the George of the Jungle song for him...over and over "Watch out for that TREE!!" Then as we were getting ready to leave she said," BYE, SEE YA GEORGE!"

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