Hi yup I am making a second home!! I want to try and do some other things here and add different pages! I have heard so much good about GeoCities I wanted to try it!!! So wish me luck and bare with me ok!!!!!!!

I hope you will enjoy this as much as I am going to enjoy trying to make this site work! I want to add a page for Crafts Ideas, one for Cookie Recipes, try my hand at writting a newsletter (so if you have any news please email me), a pretty graphics page with pictures with added zip!!

Sorry this is taking so long but don't quite understand what I am suppose to do and how to do it in geocities please bear with me! Just click on a page you want to go to then hit the go button and it should take you there!!

My Webpages click on a Page then click Go!

Websites of Friends and other Interesting Websites! Just pick a site and click on go!

Graphics By Marie

Backgrounds by Debbie

This is for the Slain Students at Columbine High School in Littleton CO. April 20,1999.

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