Come in and enjoy!!!

The reception was held inside the wonderful old house. A beautiful buffet dinner was served by the women of the Womans Club. There was plenty of delicious food...that was enjoyed by everyone. Tables were set up on the large L shaped porch with white coverings. In the center of each table was a candle surrounded with pastel flowers. The bannisters of the porch were drapped with ivy with white lights. This was beautiful as the sun went down and the guests enjoyed their food and drinks outside.

"The buffet table"

"Can't have a wedding without a cake"........ "Cake, punch and drinks tables"

"Dorendas good friend since grade school,
Penny, served the punch during the reception."

"This was a wonderful occasion, and you know
what Craig would like to do with that cake!"

"Amy was nice and gave Craig a small bite............A sweet cake kiss"

"The best man giving a toast to his son and
new daughter-in-law."

"Now its time to eat"......................"You'll like that, Craig"

"Here it comes girls!!!"........Amys little niece, Hannah, won out over the big girls"

"Hey! this is the fun part!!!"

"Here ya go guys!!............Amys cousin, Jared, won this fight!"

Time for bubbles, best wishes and goodbyes!
They're off to Jamaica...

(Notice their reflections in their car.)

"Windshield view "................"Side door view"

"Congratulations, Good Luck and Goodbye"

They went to the Couples hotel in Jamaica on their
honeymoon and reside in Charleston. Both are nurses and
are employed at local hospitals.

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