Elegant Hounds You Can Live With

Sandra Moore

Breeder/Co-breeder of Champions,

Group Placers, Best in Field winners, and the

1995 Borzoi Club of America Triathlon WINNER

CH Avalon Midnight Barnstormer "Barney"

CH Avalon James Tiberius "Kirk"

sire of champions

CH Avalon Midknight Highlander "Connor" -- Field Champion

CH Avalon Midknight Avenger,

owned by K. Averill (KHANZADE) & D. Maharan (MIDKNIGHT)

Group Placing

CH Avalon Willowwind Lucky Seven "Alice"

Austrian Group 2

Stillwater Blue Mist "Mandy"

CH Willowwind Luvat First Site JC

The first thing you see is a dog's profile. We find all of those dogs very pleasing. Kirk is the sire of 3 champions with others closing in fast on their titles. Connor, his son (Co-breeders) Donna Maharan {Midknight} and Sandra Moore {Avalon} has a major pointed yearling in his first litter out of Mandy. Mandy from the Avalon "B" litter cobred with Charles Tyson amd Kathe Burkett (Stillwater) has 3 German CC's, 1 Austrian and an International CACIB in only 4 shows with new owner Edith Tsitze (Spirit of the Tsar) Germany. Dottie, who is Alice's sister (co-breeders D. Kelly, S. Moore, D. Embry) already has a Champion son CH Willowwinds Adonis of Avalon and another with a five point major, Willowwinds Avalon Adara. Avalon Willowind Apokalypse, owned by the Kellys in Maine, is also pointed.

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