Hello and welcome to Murphy's Place! My name is Murphy and this is my humble little home on the web. I am a very active, adorable black and white cat. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I was rescued by one of Mommy's friends and I came to live with her on her birthday, February 7, 1998. On my page, I will introduce myself and Mommy to you, you'll learn more than you ever wanted to know about us, learn who I was named after (hint- it has to do with our favorite team, the Atlanta Braves!!!), see some of our favorite links, share some fun stories and view a photo gallery of my feline friends and family. Of course, Mommy takes a TON of pictures of me, so I have my own photo gallery. Please visit often and enjoy Murphy's Place!
May God bless our troops, especially Mommy's brother who's in the Middle East right now!
***BIG NEWS: It has been a looong time since I've been able to update this page, but we have good reasons! First, we moved to a new house and I have a new baby sister! Her name is Maggie and she thinks she's cute, but I don't know that for sure. She doesn't have a page, so here's one of her pictures so you can judge for yourselves!