Family Picture Page

Welcome to Our Family Picture Page

We hope you enjoy your visit.

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HI! I'm Nathaniel.
I'll be your tour guide on this page.
My little sister, Cassandra (below)
and I enjoy playing around.

This is my big brother Chad!
He thinks he sooo cool!
When he plays with me, he really is.

And this is a picture of the five of us.

And once again Cassandra tries on a new look.

This is a picture of my Dad & me Christmas 1997.
We got matching ties of Noah's Ark!

This is my Mom.
She's the one you can blame if this page
doesn't turn out right.

And here is a final picture
of Mikey & me.
He is approximately 7 months old in this picture.
He is very much still a pup!

HipHipHorray! Some of Miss Kitty's pictures have arrived!

Miss Kitty follows Cassandra around no matter how 'dangeours' our little Miss Cassandra can be. They truly stick together!

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