Our Home Page

Thanks for coming! I hope you stay a while and enjoy your visit with my family & me! We always enjoy company! Although, sometimes the company doesn't always enjoy our two little "raggamufins" running around like a couple of maniacs! :O)

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 20 something mom and wife. Although they are the biggest part of my life, I do enjoy many other things. One of my interests is geneology. I have Family Tree Maker and do research as much as I can. I enjoy other things as well, such as: rollerblading (although I'm not very good), volleyball, and writing poetry. I have also started taking better care of myself. I have started excercising 3-4 times a week. (Not an eay task with 2 small kids wanting to play horsey while you are trying to do crunches!!! :O) ).

My husband & I have been married for almost 4 years and we have two great kids I already told you about. We have a boy and a girl. So I guess we're pretty lucky to have one of each. I don't know if I could handle two boys!!! God bless all of you that do. One is more than enough for me! My husband enjoys racing in all different forms. He is a big NASCAR fan, and rarely misses a race. We either watch on the TV or, when we're in the car, listen on the radio. He also enjoys BMX racing, which is where we met, and motocross.

As far as our kids go, I guess they are into the normal toddler things. They have 2 favorite shows: Blue's Clues on Nick Jr. and Barney on PBS. Our son would also like to be a cartoon junkie if we would let him, but we're mean old parents that want him interested in other things besides becoming a couch potato. I am fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with my kids. Although, sometimes I don't feel so fortunate. I always try to remember that they are just trying to learn. I have written a few poems about my children and my family, which I will share some of from time to time. There are pages for my kids here, too. I hope you enjoy them. Here is a picture of my kids the day my daughter was born.

Living Room
(Click on the picture to go to their Living Room.)

Please remember that all poems written on this website are my personal property and have special meaning to me. I would ask that you do not reproduce or publsh them in any way without my express written permission as they are copyrighted. I greatly appreciate your courtesy and understanding in this matter.

(8-4-99) Well, this is kind of a difficult week for myself. One year ago this week, my grandpa died, coincidently, it's the same day as my mom's birthday - what a range of emotions to go through! Anyway, if you do nothing else on my site, please visit the poem I wrote right after I learned of his death. It is something to think about if you are going through the loss of a loved one. Here's the link to the poem. It is called Just Let Go

(11-9-99) Well, I know it has been a long time since I updated anything on these pages. Things have been really busy around here lately. I can't believe that it is already so close to the Holiday Season. Time just flies by so fast anymore. It is almost time for Bubba's birthday.... He is growing up so fast!!!!! So is Sissy. I plan on making some more changes to the web site, I just haven't had much time to do anything lately. I am going to try to update the kids' pages. I have to decide what I want to do on this page before I go and change it. I guess that's it for now. Enjoy your visit!!!

Well, it's been a very very long time since I have worked on our website. I am trying to get rid of links that no longer work and set up a new guestbook. Please be patient with me. If you get too annoyed with broken links, etc., just e-mail me the info (which one(s), where they are, things like that) and put broken links in your subject line. I know broken links are annoying and I am trying to get them off our site. I only have late nights to work on the site and have to make sure I can get up and get the kids off to school in the mornings. Thanks for your understanding and enjoy your visit.

Just one more thing before you explore my pages, this means a lot to me since I am the mother of two. PLEASE, PLEASE, when you get done on my site, before you surf on your way, check out the website below. It has helped bring so many children home, please help if you can!!! Thanks!

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Heartland Member

I have now planted an e-tree!

Do you want one, too? Here's where I got it!

I would like to thank Missy for my very first award!!!
Cozy Award

I just won another award. Thank you so much to The Garners!!!!
Hoppin Award

Thank you for coming and sharing our little piece of the web.

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