How to track me down =)

I'm a big fan of talkers. If you don't know what they are, they are basically unix based chat programs that allow users to talk to other people from all over the world. In order to use them, you need to be able to telnet from your computer. If you click on the following links, you'll be able to find out whether or not you can use them. A word of warning though: they can become QUITE addictive! Hehe you have been warned!

On all the talkers I am on you can find me by looking for the name RenHoek

Follow this link to connect to Forest...A cool Australian talker :)

Follow this link to connect to forest...a cool Australian talker :)

Oo...why not have a look at Knightmare too? It's one of my favourites :)

Ooer why not have a look at Knightmare too? It's one of my favourites

Why not take a look at Fantasy Land? You won't be disappointed

Why not take a look at Fantasy Land? You won't be disappointed"

I wanna be let down some more mean to say you have friends too?
Don't tell me you've developed a sense of humour too! (Bugger me backwards!