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Attention Descendants
Gabriel Maupin and his wife, Marie Hersent
of Gargeau, France; Amsterdam, Netherlands
and Williamsburg, Virginia
Their son, Daniel Maupin and his wife, Margaret Via
of Albemarle County, Virginia

It is the desire of numerous Maupin descendants to keep the heritage and records of the Maupin family alive and on going. If you are a descendant of this family also, won’t you please share your Maupin information?

To include your Maupin ancestral lineage in the next "Maupin Lineages Directory" send your name, snail-mail address and the first four generations down from "Old" Daniel and Margaret (Via) Maupin, such as the following:

Mr. Loren J. ADAMS "Cuff" Daniel MAUPIN & Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" DABNEY
P.O. Box 673 "Tough" Daniel MAUPIN & (2nd) Elizabeth "Betsey" GENTRY
Iola KS 66749-0673 Margaret "Polly" MAUPIN & Richard CORNELISON
e-mail: James MAUPIN CORNELISON & Susan Jane BOGGS

If you do not know what your Maupin connection is, tell us what you do know about your
Maupin ancestry and perhaps we can help you learn what your connection is.

Contact: Judy Maupin at

or Loren Adams at

To subscribe to the MAUPIN News Group send an e-mail to the following address with nothing in the subject line and only the word "subscribe" in the message section, no " " and no other message or signature:

Click here for: First Three Generations of Maupins in America

Other Maupin Web Pages:

Linda Valentine, descendant of John Maupin & Frances Dabney

also, Jean Maupin & Samuel Rea

Dallas C. Fox, descendant of John Maupin & Frances Dabney

George B. "Butch" Miller, descendant of Margaret Maupin & Robert Miller, Jr.

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