Inline Speedskating

[River Legacy Park, May 25, 1997]

Ray and I met each other inline skating on the White Rock trail. Ever since that day in May, 1996, skating in one form or another (whether inline speedskating, recreational or even ice) has remained a big part of our lives. We've even dabbled in competition together in both road races (25K and 10K) and indoor short-track speedskating.

However, ever since Zachary came along, we haven't been able to get out as often. When the weather permits, we like to take him with us on our outings in a Kool Stop baby jogger. He loves the outdoors and it's a great workout for us.

Below are just a few of the numerous photos we've taken over the last couple of years of skating.

This is an old photo of a part of "The Skate Group" taken on a gorgeous New Year's Day, January 1, 1997. Only about one-third of the group's members are pictured here.

[The Skate Group]

This is a group of more serious inline speedskaters dubbed the Texas Flyers. This group gathers at River Legacy Park Sunday mornings year 'round to log some miles. Several of these guys are recent veterans of the Athens to Atlanta skate race so you know they take skating seriously.

Ray and I are in the top row, second and third from the left.

[Texas Flyers Inline Speedskating Team]

Below is a photo that ran in both the Star Telegram and Arlington Metro newspapers on June 30, 1997. Ray is second to last in the line (wearing the yellow stay-cool neck tie -- it was HOT!).

[Newspaper photo, 30 Jun 1997]

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