"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,
and they will become one flesh."
-- Genesis 2:24 (NIV)

On November 9, 1996, we became
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schroeder

Our wedding day was the happiest day we had yet spent together, and represents some of our very fondest memories. We wanted to share with you a few of the scenes from that day and introduce some of our dear friends and family members who were instrumental in making it so very memorable.

(Click on the thumbnails below to enlarge them.)

Bridal Portrait       The Dashing Groom       Our Flower Girl, Jane Manvelova

Left: Bridal portrait (Photographer, Sam McMahan)
Center: Taken before the ceremony but Ray doesn't look a bit nervous!
Right: Admiring our lovely flower girl, Jane Manvelova.

The Wedding Party       Cutting the Cake       The Matron of Honor

Left: Our Wedding Party from left to right: Lee Anne Harvey (Matron of Honor), Howard Zimmerman (Groomsman), Jackie & Ray, Phil Lang (Best Man), and Alina Liderman (Bridesmaid).
Center: Ray and I decided to call a truce in advance, promising not shove cake in each other's faces.
Right: Lee Anne Harvey with her beautiful daughter, Zoe. Lee had to train for bustling my wedding gown, which was no easy task given its cathedral length, but she handled it like a real pro. Many thanks, Lee!

Groom's Parents Left: Mavis and Skip Schroeder,
the groom's parents.

Right: Dorothy and Mike Steczo,
the bride's parents.

Bride's Parents
Nearly all of our friends in the Skate Group turned out to celebrate our wedding with us.


Skate Group Photo


I'm sure their attendance was no small sacrifice as it was perfect skate weather that warm November Saturday.