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Zachary's Virtual Baby Book

This is Zachary's very own photo album. We will place new photos here as time permits to keep all of his long-distance relatives updated. It may take a little time to download because of the number of photos, but please be patient - we hope you'll agree it's worth a short wait.

Zachary Austin Schroeder

Born March 31, 1998
Time:  8:22 a.m.
Weight: 8 pounds, 2 ounces
Length: 20 inches

[New mother and baby]

Here I am (Jackie), getting acquainted with the new arrival on his birthday. What a life-changing miracle! The weight of realizing what a great responsibility was just placed upon us was offset by the joy of bringing a new life into the world. We were awestruck and amazed at this tiny, helpless little human.

[New Daddy]

At left is Ray, the proud new Daddy, holding Zachary minutes after he was born. He was a great Labor Coach! (I didn't really think he would faint!)

The redness of the little face you see peeking out of the blanket isn't the result of bad film -- Zachary had a reaction to an antiseptic solution used while he was being born and for a short while he looked like a boiled lobster!

At right is a closeup shot - he's not near as red in the face now but still looking a bit "sunburnt".

[Announcing: Zachary Austin Schroeder]

[Grandma and Grandpa Schroeder]

At left is Zachary with his paternal grandparents - Skip and Mavis Schroeder. This was taken in Colorado Springs at his Dedication Ceremony when Zachary was two months old.


At right are Zachary's maternal grandparents, my mom & dad, Dorothy and Mike Steczo. They live in Colorado Springs, Colorado but visit us in Dallas as often as they can. Hi! We miss you!

[Grandma and Grandpa Steczo]


These two photos were taken in July, '98 at 3 months (left) and almost 4 months (right).

[7/1/98 and 7/21/98]

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