
Casters Realm
Lost Souls of Glaznor

These are the chronicles of the high elf Zembio Ampredeus of Filwithe, member of the Guild Lost Souls of Glaznor.

age one. Today I'm in my 32'nd level of life and must bring memories of the very beginning. I do not know my father and I do not know my mother, but I do know it began in Felwithe, the glowing city of the High Elves...

Felwithe is early home, where I would boldly help filtered out the pests that gather outside its marble walls with my worthless blade and enimake spells of the wizard class. It was such a pitiful site, running around in a ragged robe, in a color that yeeked of a luminus green and had magnetic properties that attrack the worse of the little monsters. How silly I must had looked.

Do not over rate me, being a wizard in the lands of Norrath is a trechous task. Consider that Casters Realm rates the wizard as one of the difficult classes, being friendly is a requirment due to excorberent amount of times one must beg. The inner soul of Zembio is lacking in this detail at the beginning...