Dear Brothers, Letters to Christian Men
The Damming of Butler
By Allen A. Benson



Letter 4 To Bloosom as a Rose


December 26,1997

Dear Br. Jim:

Well, the holiday season is almost over and a new year is about to begin, perhaps this may be the last year in the sad history of this experiment in sin. Lets hope that next January finds us either in heaven or on our way there.

We hope to move back to the Morristown area soon, perhaps before this letter reaches you. One longs to hear the pure gospel preached on Sabbath morning rather then a deception which is often served to us from the pulpit disguised as truth. When we find that our ministers are not preaching as they should and will not accept council from their discerning brothers, then it is time to move on to where the gospel invitation is valued.

As time nears its close, godly brothers and sisters will gather from all corners of the world, all sections of the country, and from every church to assemble together for pure worship, listening to those who are embowed with Christ’s messages and are not afraid to utter the plain truth in love. Perhaps, even now, this gathering out of the churches is occurring as honest souls leave the false churches in search of the pure provender God has supplied for his sheep.

As you know, we must literally beg a ride to church every Sabbath from reluctant brothers and sisters. How heart-sickening it is to plead for transportation only to listen to lukewarm sermons or falsehoods disguised as the gospel of truth. This is rather discouraging, therefore, because God has commanded us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together, we choose to leave this area and return to Morristown where we are assured of hearing the straight testimony from a minister who loves the Lord. Although he has his faults and short comings, as do we all, he seems to be unafraid to stand for truth and righteousness. While he has much to learn, I believe he is a diligent student in the school of Christ and will be taught until his deficiencies are corrected.

We ought to encourage each other in this time of disinterest in morality and spiritual truth to seek for the Lord while He may be found. God is very near, pleading, wooing, cautioning, counseling, guiding, and encouraging his brothers and sisters to wait patiently for his appearing and, meanwhile, to occupy ourselves in such temporal pursuits as will sustain us while not neglecting the weightier matters of soul winning or simple encouragement.

There are many down cast brothers and sisters who would blossom as a rose should some one take the time to tenderly minister to their needs, both temporal and spiritual. A kind word, a card or letter, a small gift, a prolonged greeting, any tangible evidence that we are not just two ships passing in the night may be the means of sustaining a soul in their struggle with the dark forces of evil for another day.

Dear brother, how is it with your soul? Are you growing daily in the graces of the Lord? Are you a light to lighten the pathway of others or a shadow cast athwart the rocky way? We can only live for Christ as He is a welcome guest in our hearts. Self-examination, as painful as it may be, is our only safety.

As I survey my life, I can remember, all too vividly, at times, moments of embarrassment, mistakes I made, and slights I suffered. Why is it that most of our memories are of such an order while the good we accomplished goes unremembered? Perhaps this is for the best for if I can remember good deeds then they were probably done out of selfishness and reserved in the halls of my memory as pictures on the walls to be admired and boasted of. Better to recall only the bad which keeps us humble then the good which leads to pride.

Yet we are cautioned to cram as many good deeds into the life as possible that our memories may be pleasant ones. It is better to remember good then bad for there is all too much of the latter and not enough of the former. However, time remains, let us use it to scatter good seeds about us that our memories of tomorrow may be of good seeds sewn broadcast yesterday.

May God be praised in your life and I hope to see you soon. You are never far from my mind (really you aren’t, I don’t easily forget people I like.) May you be growing in grace daily and may the Lord richly bless you my dear brother.

Until we meet again, God’s peace will prosper you in your journey. Your brother in Christ.



Allen A. Benson


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