Dear Brothers, Letters to Christian Men
The Damming of Butler
By Allen A. Benson



Letter 6 The Toy We Desire


December 26,1997

Dear Br. and Sr. Humble:

It was a pleasure to see both of you the other day. I always enjoy conversing with friends for once I meet a person, unless they are terribly obnoxious, their portraits are lovingly hung in my gallery of remembrance. (Incidently, even if they are obnoxious, I never forget then but I hand their portraits elsewhere.)

We appreciated the gift of food you brought for Sevilla and myself, it even tasted good. (Please, this is a complement, not an insult.) But more then this, we were pleased with the thoughtfulness behind the gesture, it had much of Christ in it.

More then the gift, it is often the thought and person behind the gift that is welcomed. At Christmas time, billions of dollars are expended on material possessions causing much grumbling that we didn’t get the toy we desired, or the size was wrong, or the color doesn’t complement my complexion, or I already have one of those, or why did you give me that! How much better to give of ourselves. While I enjoyed the mashed potatoes and peas, I enjoyed more the five minutes of conversation with both of you, your joy and laughter, your smiles, and pleasant looks. It may have meant little to you, but to Sevilla and me, it meant a lot.

The personal touch in giving always enhances the value of the gift itself for it conveys caring and love far more then a pair of socks sent through the mail or even wrapped in bright ribbon and paper and laid under the tree on Christman eve.

Yet, to give of ourselves is so difficult. Why! It is because we place a high premium upon our time, energies, or resources. After all, I am very important and if I spend that few minutes talking with you, sharing myself, I might suffer some slight inconvenience or loss.

It took thought and time (and gas for the car) to bring those dinner plates to us, time and thought better spent on self, some might complain. But what is more rewarding then to brighten the life of another rather then to spend it selfishly hoarding our selves in our dark, little houses, doing dark, little things to pleasure ourselves.

Praise the Lord, He does not think as we think. For the scriptures say, “my ways are not your ways, nor are my thoughts your thoughts.” Praise the Lord, they aren’t. What a pity if God were like us and what a joy that He isn’t.

One of the marks of a dedicated Christian is their willingness to use their time, talents, and resources to brighten the lives of others without thought of recompense. The Holy Spirit implants the thought, we respond with the gift, and God receives the glory.

As the world grows darker and darker through a misapprehension of the character of Christ and as Satan’s character is reproduced in the lives of those who reject their Lord, those who stand for Christ will shine as stars in the night sky, letting their light shine that others may see it and glorify God.

May the Lord richly bless you for your generosity with a deeper knowledge of His unselfish love. May each of you more and more perfectly reflect His character as day and night pass into the eternal record books. He loves you with a tender regard far beyond our comprehension, His mercies are abundant and fresh every morning. His hand is never shortened to save, even if He does allow the piece of firewood to fall on your foot, He has preserved your life through countless attempts of the evil one to destroy it. May the Lord be praised.

May you both long enjoy the smile of the Lord. Your brother in Christ

Allen Benson



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