Dear Brothers, Letters to Christian Men
The Damming of Butler
By Allen A. Benson



Letter 13 Dumb Dogs That Won't Bark


December 28,1997

Dear Brother Earl:

Are you familiar with the scripture, “dumb dogs that would not bark?”

Our Landlord keeps several watchdogs behind his apartment. At night, he lets two of them roam through the general store and storage rooms downstairs to discourage intruders which they do very handily. One look at their size and teeth, and any self-respecting burglar will vanish into the night from which he came. You also maintain several dogs for the same reason, as do others who live in the country.

It is expected that a watch dog will sound the alarm if an intruder, emergency, fire, or some other unusual occurrence breaks fourth with ferocious barking, although there are some truly stupid dogs who bark when there is no reason.

If a canine guard fails to signal the presence of an intruder in a timely fashion to alert the occupants of the house, then he is worse then worthless for such failure is considered negligence that could endanger his master and family. The indignation of his owner, when learning of the tragic consequences to his family caused by the dog’s failure to issue the necessary warning, knows no bounds. The animal, if not killed outright, is consigned to an ignominious life guarding the trash bin in the back yard. To open ones mouth with a timely warning is the sole purpose of many dogs.

When the wolf enters the church and ravages the flock, where are the guard dogs to issue a warning of the impending danger? Wolves a plenty are stalking God’s cherished heritage but the dumb dogs are sound asleep, with paws crossed, and muzzle contentedly resting upon them in calm indifference to the danger that threatens his masters household.

A dog intuitively recognizes danger, he needs no instruction concerning the threat of fire, flood, thieves, or skunks, yet God’s children are marvelously indifferent or idle in the face of similar threats.

Even a wild dog, once domesticated, responds to threat or danger with a bark, but we have lost our alertness, our sensitivity, rousing ourselves only long enough to yawn and ponder the fate of our master with criminal indifference for His interests.

The Lord, our master, after showering love unbounded upon us and giving us a guide book that points out such dangers as a dog intuitively understands has taken a journey into a far country, leaving us in charge of His flock, His precious flock.

What then is our excuse when over powered by indifference? How shall we answer the master’s wild lament upon finding His flock torn and scattered, we are but dumb dogs that refuse to bark.

God’s property, the church, is being fiercely torn by thieves and murders, let us awake from slumber, unlimber our paws, open our mouths and bark with fierce indignation. Let us not hold our peace for fear of the thief or murder. What care they for niceties when devouring the sheep of His pasture? What concern disturbs their mischief when prowling about the sheep? Therefore, let us fear them not, nor their rebuke, but sound the alarm with piercing clarity, that the sheep may be aroused from slumber.

During the Civil War, night watchmen who fell asleep at their posts were summarily executed for endangering the sleeping company. Will God not respond with equal severity when his sleeping sentinels report that the company was destroyed because they took their rest rather then remaining alert?

Fear them not, the master cautions us of the thief or murder, fear my wrath and indignation. Christ is a tender and merciful God of great compassion, yet he counts the cost of the sacrifice He paid for our ransom in comparison to our indifference, and his wrath grows hot while tears fill His eyes.

Bark, dog, bark!

May the Lord bless you and may your bark be heard in the ears of the sleeping saints arousing them to the dangers that threaten their eternal interests. Fear them not, fear God more. Your brother in Christ.




Allen A. Benson


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