In all our work more attention should be
given to the culture of the voice. We may have knowledge, but
unless we know how to use the voice correctly, our work will
be a failure. Unless we can clothe our ideas in appropriate language,
of what avail is our education? Knowledge will be of little advantage
to us unless we cultivate the talent of speech; but it is a wonderful
power when combined with the ability to speak wise, helpful words,
and to speak them in a way that will command attention.
Students who expect to become workers in
the cause of God should be trained to speak in a clear, straightforward
manner, else they will be shorn of half their influence for good.
The ability to speak plainly and clearly, in full, round tones,
is invaluable in any line of work. This qualification is indispensable
in those who desire to become ministers, evangelists, Bible workers,
or canvassers. Those who are planning to enter these lines of
work should be taught to use the voice in such a way that when
they speak to people about the truth, a decided impression
for good will be made. The truth must not be marred by being
communicated through defective utterance.
The canvasser who can speak clearly and
distinctly about the merits of the book he wishes to sell will
find this a great help in his work. He may have an opportunity
to read a chapter of the book, and by the music of his voice
and the emphasis placed on the words he can make the scene presented
stand out as clearly before the mind of the listener as if it
could actually be seen.
The one who gives Bible readings in the
congregation or in the family should be able to read with a soft,
musical cadence which will charm the hearers.
Ministers of the gospel should know how
to speak with power and expression, making the words of eternal
life so expressive and impressive that the hearers cannot but
feel their weight. I am pained as I hear the defective voices
of many of our ministers. Such ministers rob God of the glory
He might have if they had trained themselves to speak the word
with power.
No man should regard himself as qualified
to enter the ministry until by persevering effort he has overcome
every defect in his utterance. If he attempts to speak to the
people without knowing how to use the talent of speech, half
his influence is lost, for he has little power to hold the attention
of a congregation.
Whatever his calling, every person should
learn to control the voice, so that when something goes wrong,
he will not speak in tones that stir the worst passions of the
heart. Too often the speaker and the one addressed speak sharply
and harshly. Sharp, dictatorial words, uttered in hard, rasping
tones, have separated friends and resulted in the loss of souls.
Instruction in vocal culture should be
given in the home. Parents should teach their children to speak
so plainly that the listeners can understand every word. They
should teach them to read the Bible with clear, distinct utterance
in a way that will honor God. And let not those who kneel around
the family altar put their faces in their hands close down to
the chair when they address God. Let them lift up their heads
and with holy awe speak to their heavenly Father, uttering their
words in tones that can be heard.
Parents, train yourselves to speak in a
way that will be a blessing to your children. Women need to be
educated in this respect. Even the busy mothers, if they will,
can cultivate the talent of speech and can teach their children
to read and speak correctly. They can do this
while they go about their work. It is never too late for us to
improve. God calls upon parents to bring all the perfection possible
into the home circle.
In the social meeting there is special
need of clear, distinct utterance, that all may hear the testimonies
borne and be benefited by them. Difficulties are removed and
help is given as in social meeting God's people relate their
experiences. But too often the testimonies are borne with faulty,
indistinct utterance, and it is impossible to gain a correct
idea of what is said. Thus the blessing is often lost.
Let those who pray and those who speak
pronounce their words properly and speak in clear, distinct,
even tones. Prayer, if properly offered, is a power for good.
It is one of the means used by the Lord to communicate to the
people the precious treasures of truth. But prayer is not what
it should be, because of the defective voices of those who utter
it. Satan rejoices when the prayers offered to God are almost
inaudible. Let God's people learn how to speak and pray in a
way that will properly represent the great truths they possess.
Let the testimonies borne and the prayers offered be clear and
distinct. Thus God will be glorified.
Let all make the most of the talent of
speech. God calls for a higher, more perfect ministry. He is
dishonored by the imperfect utterance of the one who by painstaking
effort could become an acceptable mouthpiece for Him. The truth
is too often marred by the channel through which it passes.
The Lord calls upon all who are connected
with His service to give attention to the cultivation of the
voice, that they may utter in an acceptable manner the great
and solemn truths He has entrusted to them. Let none mar the
truth by defective utterance. Let not those who have neglected to cultivate the talent of speech suppose
that they are qualified to minister, for they have yet to obtain
the power to communicate.
When you speak, let every word be full
and well rounded, every sentence clear and distinct to the very
last word. Many as they approach the end of a sentence lower
the tone of the voice, speaking so indistinctly that the force
of the thought is destroyed. Words that are worth speaking at
all are worth speaking in a clear, distinct voice, with emphasis
and expression. But never search for words that will give the
impression that you are learned. The greater your simplicity,
the better will your words be understood.
Young men and young women, has God placed
in your hearts a desire to do service for Him? Then by all means
cultivate the voice to the utmost of your ability so that you
can make plain the precious truth to others. Do not fall into
the habit of praying so indistinctly and in such a low tone that
your prayers need an interpreter. Pray simply, but clearly and
distinctly. To let the voice sink so low that it cannot be heard
is no evidence of humility.
To those who are planning to enter God's work
as ministers, I would say: Strive with determination to be perfect
in speech. Ask God to help you to accomplish this great object.
When in the congregation you offer prayer, remember that you
are addressing God, and that He desires you to speak so that
all who are present can hear and can blend their supplications
with yours. A prayer uttered so hurriedly that the words are
jumbled together is no honor to God and does the hearers no good.
Let ministers and all who offer public prayer learn to pray in
such a way that God will be glorified and the hearers will be
blessed. Let them speak slowly and distinctly and in tones loud
enough to be heard by all so that the people may unite in saying,