The Christian physician is to be to the
sick a messenger of mercy, bringing to them a remedy for the
sin-sick soul as well as for the diseased body. As he uses the
simple remedies that God has provided for the relief of physical
suffering, he is to speak of Christ's power to heal the maladies
of the soul.
How necessary that the physician live in
close communion with the Saviour! The sick and suffering with
whom he deals need the help that Christ alone can give. They
need prayers indited by His Spirit. The afflicted one leaves
himself to the wisdom and mercy of the physician, whose skill
and faithfulness may be his only hope. Let the physician, then,
be a faithful steward of the grace of God, a guardian of the
soul as well as of the body.
The physician who has received wisdom from
above, who knows that Christ is his personal Saviour, because
he has himself been led to the Refuge, knows how to deal with
the trembling, guilty, sin-sick souls who turn to him for help.
He can respond with assurance to the inquiry: "What must
I do to be saved?" He can tell the story of the Redeemer's
love. He can speak from experience of the power of repentance
and faith. As he stands by the bedside of the sufferer, striving
to speak words that will bring to him help and comfort, the Lord
works with him and through him. As the mind of the afflicted
one is fastened on the Mighty Healer, the peace of Christ fills
his heart; and the spiritual health that comes to him is used
as the helping hand of God in restoring the health of the body.
Precious are the opportunities that the
physician has of awakening in the
hearts of those with whom he is brought in contact a sense of
their great need of Christ. He is to bring from the treasure
house of the heart things new and old, speaking the words of
comfort and instruction that are longed for. Constantly he is
to sow the seeds of truth, not presenting doctrinal subjects,
but speaking of the love of the sin-pardoning Saviour. Not only
should he give instruction from the word of God, line upon line,
precept upon precept; he is to moisten this instruction with
his tears and make it strong with his prayers, that souls may
be saved from death.
In their earnest, feverish anxiety to avert
the peril of the body, physicians are in danger of forgetting
the peril of the soul. Physicians, be on your guard, for at the
judgment seat of Christ you must meet those at whose death-bed
you now stand.
The solemnity of the physician's work,
his constant contact with the sick and the dying, require that,
so far as possible, he be removed from the secular duties that
others can perform. No unnecessary burdens should be laid on
him, that he may have time to become acquainted with the spiritual
needs of his patients. His mind should be ever under the influence
of the Holy Spirit, that he may be able to speak in season the
words that will awaken faith and hope.
At the bedside of the dying no word of
creed or controversy is to be spoken. The sufferer is to be pointed
to the One who is willing to save all who come to Him in faith.
Earnestly, tenderly, strive to help the soul that is hovering
between life and death.
The physician should never lead his patients
to fix their attention on him. He is to teach them to grasp with
the hand of faith the outstretched hand of the Saviour. Then
the mind will be illuminated with the light radiating from the
Sun of Righteousness. What physicians attempt to do, Christ did
in deed and in truth. They try to save life; He is life itself.
The physician's effort to lead the minds
of his patients to healthy action must be free from all human
enchantment. It must not grovel to humanity, but soar aloft to
the spiritual, grasping the things of eternity.
The physician should not be made the object
of unkind criticism. This places on him an unnecessary burden.
His cares are heavy, and he needs the sympathy of those connected
with him in the work. He is to be sustained by prayer. The realization
that he is appreciated will give him hope and courage.
The intelligent Christian physician has
a constantly increasing realization of the connection between
sin and disease. He strives to see more and more clearly the
relation between cause and effect. He sees that those who are
taking the nurses' course should be given a thorough education
in the principles of health reform, that they should be taught
to be strictly temperate in all things, because carelessness
in regard to the laws of health is inexcusable in those set apart
to teach others how to live.
When a physician sees that a patient is
suffering from an ailment caused by improper eating and drinking,
yet neglects to tell him of this and to point out the need of
reform, he is doing a fellow being an injury. Drunkards, maniacs,
those who are given over to licentiousness--all appeal to the
physician to declare clearly and distinctly that suffering is
the result of sin. We have received great light on health reform.
Why, then, are we not more decidedly in earnest in striving to
counteract the causes that produce disease? Seeing the continual
conflict with pain, laboring constantly
to alleviate suffering, how can our physicians hold their peace?
Can they refrain from lifting the voice in warning? Are they
benevolent and merciful if they do not teach strict temperance
as a remedy for disease?
Physicians, study the warning which Paul
gave to the Romans: "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:1,
The spiritual work of our sanitariums is
not to be under the control of physicians. This work requires
thought and tact and a broad knowledge of the Bible. Ministers
possessing these qualifications should be connected with our
sanitariums. They should uplift the standard of temperance from
a Christian point of view, showing that the body is the temple
of the Holy Spirit and bringing to the minds of the people the
responsibility resting upon them as God's purchased possession
to make mind and body a holy temple, fit for the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit. When temperance is presented as a part of the
gospel, many will see their need of reform. They will see the
evil of intoxicating liquors and that total abstinence is the
only platform on which God's people can conscientiously stand.
As this instruction is given, the people will become interested
in other lines of Bible study.