I wish to remind my brethren of the cautions
and warnings that have been given me in reference to constantly
investing means in Battle Creek in order to make a little more
room or to make things more convenient. New fields are to be
entered; the truth is to be proclaimed as a witness to all nations.
The work is hindered so that the banner of truth cannot be uplifted,
as it should be, in these new fields. While our brethren in America
feel at liberty to invest means in buildings which time will
reveal that they would do just as well and even better without,
thousands of dollars are thus absorbed that the Lord called for
to be used in "regions beyond." I have presented the
warnings and the caution, as the word of the Lord; but my heart
has been made sad to see that, notwithstanding all these, means
has been swallowed up to satisfy these supposed wants; building
has been added to building so the money could not be used in
places where they have no conveniences, no building for the public
worship of God or to give character to the
work, no place where the banner of truth could be uplifted. These
things I have set before you; and yet you have gone on just the
same, absorbing means, God's means, in one locality, when the
Lord has spoken that too much was already invested in one place,
which meant that there was nothing in other places, where there
should be buildings and facilities, to make even a beginning.
What call had you to invest thousands of dollars in additional school buildings? You supposed that this outlay was needed, but did not entreaties come to you not to invest money thus?