The Branch Family Home Page

(Oh NO! Looks like we lost our homepage. I'll be trying to get it updated with new info for you during Spring Break 2004... Sandy).



A little about our family...
We are originally from California but moved to Florida during the summer of 1997 due to a job transfer. We had a great trip across country! We saw the Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, the Meteor Crater, and Kennedy Space Center on the way to our new home. It was incredible!

In September of 1997, we made a trip back to California. Pat and Sandy had planned a beautiful wedding long before the job transfer came about. It was difficult planning the final details from across the country, but check out the link above and see how beautifully everything turned out!

We completed construction on our new home this year. Wanna see?

We have many interests and activities in this household! The boys are active in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Pat graduated with his Master's Degree in Technical Management last winter (Straight A's to boot! Wow!) I'm working on my Bachelor's Degree in Education. I'll be taking a semester off when the new baby arrives (~January), then back to the grindstone! Mike & Dan have "branched" out onto their own pages this year. You can view each of their pages by selecting their links below...



So... if it takes some time to update these pages, just be patient...
We're pretty short on time!!!

Some of our favorite sites...


I Borrowed Some of my Graphics From...

Touch of Country Graphics

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