I'm Marissa and I live in Alberta, Canada. I have 2 sons and a cat. I am a big fan of the famous Yukon bard Robert Service, and Yukon artists Ted Harrison and Jim Robb.

It is my hope to promote awareness of modern day slavery and do my part to help stop these crimes against humanity.

I also want to promote awareness and provide information about the very deadly virus HIV.

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(bullet)Enter my main pages

(bullet)Slavery - Worldwide Evil

(bullet)HIV & AIDS Information

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Gold Certificate of Commitment - Outstanding Achievement in Volunteer Leadership Talking Hands Award

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Family Friendly SiteHeartland SelectTruly Canadian Web Site Club

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Bobby ApprovedApart from the guestbook, this site is now Bobby approved! This means that it is fully accessible to the disabled. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for, nor do I have any control over any extra coding placed on this page by Yahoo! GeoCities. Therefore, this extra coding may or may not be Bobby compliant.

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(link back button to Creations by Dawn)