Lion and Fox Ministries Update

As of 20 January, 2000

Well, here's what's going on with us. Tonya got her fall report card and was a little disappointed (you know what a perfectionist she is). She got 4 A's and 2 B's. She is on the Dean's list. This semester she is quite busy both in school and out of school. She is enrolled in 21 (yes, twenty-one) credit hours of instruction including classes in counselling and addiction. She is also planning on competing minimally on the college forensics team as well as continuing her Christian radio program at the on-campus radio station. She has also started to get involved in church. We joined First Baptist Church (ABC) and she has revived the Jr High and Sr. High Sunday School class. She is also helping with jr church on the music end and she has agreed to sit on the committee for the college outreach group Anchor House.

Lee is still here in the Soo. He did meet up briefly with Craig (his Butterfly House boss) at the end of December. Apparently things have not gone as planned and thus St. Lucia has been postponed. At this point, it looks as if Lee will go down at the beginning of March for the start up procedures and then come back up to Mackinac Island to open the house up here. Other than that, Lee is hanging around the Soo, terminally unemployed, cleaning the house, SHOVELING THE SNOW [Lee wanted that in all caps :-) ], and other such domestic type activities. He has begun his correspondance courses again in an attempt to finish his degree by the deadline - which is December 2000! Please pray for his strength and endurance in this task.

Pray for our ministry. We are now an official non-profit corporation and we thank God for those of you who have supported us thus far. We will be posting a list soon of the items that the ministry will need for our return to Alaska. Those interested in helping out by donating items or money can contact us via e-mail for snail information.

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In Christ's Enduring Love --- Lee and Tonya Sissel 1