Welcome to the Snyder Family Scrapbook!

Updated December 19th, 2001

Click here to go to our new site, FamilyNet

Snyder Children, Christmas 2001

Finally, some images of our new abode. We moved in 4/26/2000

Our house from the front, straight on
The front of our house, from the right
The front of our house, from the left
The back of our house
This is where our mail is now delivered

New photos developed 2/22/2000 and posted 2/24/2000.

Claire: "This is how I pretend to be on the phone"
Birthday presents are so exciting!
McKay showing her skills as a toddler
Claire & McKay's birthday cakes
Claire savoring a taste of her cake
Claire: "It's so good!"
Claire on a sugar high I wonder?
McKay and her cake
McKay digging into her cake
How DID these things get on our heads?
Claire: "What? For me?"
Claire: "Don't I look so pretty?"
McKay: "I'm a birthday girl!"
The girls enjoying the moment

Photos scanned from the family scrapbook. Posted 12/7/99.

Claire & McKay in their watermellon costumes
Claire gets a lift from Harrison
Avery riding horseback!
Harrison riding horseback!
Avery & Harrison on a trampoline
Grandma Linda & Avery snuggling
Grandma Linda posing with Harrison, Claire, McKay & Avery
Harrison loves space exploration!
Grandma Linda holding McKay
Marnie & the kids posing for a Father's Day gift photo
Claire & McKay love Weird Al's new video "The Saga Begins"
Claire & McKay at a rare moment of stillness
McKay at Halloween as a ladybug
Claire in her ladybug Halloween costume
Avery as a skeleton & Harrison as an astronaut
Avery & Harrison posing in their Halloween costumes
Avery's first rock climbing experience (at Galyans)
Harrison's first rock climbing experience (at Galyans)
The Snyder kids playing "boat"
Another twin photo op

Here are the highlights from pictures developed 6/26/99.

Claire & McKay together on the floor
Again, Claire & McKay on the floor.
McKay (left) & Claire (right) in the bathtub
Another bathing shot of McKay (left) & Claire (right)
Matt & the kids (a little dark)
Harrison getting ready to ride while Avery looks on, pondering his brother's fate
Harrison successfully riding his bike while Avery cheers him on
Harrison riding as Avery runs along side
Harrison riding and posing at the same time
Harrison shows off his bike riding skills
Harrison and Avery posing in the pool
Again, Harrison and Avery in the pool

Claire and McKay portraits taken May 27th. Click HERE to see how big our girls have grown!

We had a family portrait session 3-26-99. Click HERE to check out the results!

Pictures posted 3-21-99. This one has "thumbnails" so you can enlarge the pictures you choose.

Harrison and Avery page. Three photos currently.

Click HERE to see pictures posted to this site 3/6/99

Click HERE to see pictures posted to this site 2/28/99

Yeaah! Here are the Twin Photos you've all been anxiously waiting for.

Click here for Photos Page #1

Click here for Photos Page #2

Links to other sites on the Web

Neal Boortz: America's Rude Awakening
LDS Church Official Site
The Drudge Report
Atlanta Radar
Paulding County
The Darwin Awards
News of the Weird
Libertarian Party
Dave Barry
The Internet Movie Database
NASA Image Exchange

Please e-mail me with your comments or just to say hello at mnmsnyder@yahoo.com

You can e-mail Marnie directly at marniecat5@yahoo.com