musgaz 's Home Page

Mustang Gazette

Welcome to Mustang Gazette, the official webpage of

Avondale Middle School’s Internet Club.


Welcome to the Mustang Gazette, a new Internet web page devoted to the ongoing world of Avondale Middle School. In this page we will be introducing new events in our current events page, which will include updates on things happening in and after school like activity nights and dances. We will also have updates and  our lightweight and heavy weight football, boy’s soccer, girl’s basketball, and cheerleading. We will also have a features page, which will include interviews from students that will have juicy facts about their little mistakes in life. All of this will be at you disposal for Avondale students and for people who are just browsing the web welcome to the Avondale Middle School Gazette.


News and Events Page

AMS Technology Page

American Middle School Poetry Journal

Please come back soon and visit us.

Last Updated March 23, 1999.


Email us at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit.

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