Mystical Links




Sylvia Browne is a remarkable woman and psychic. There is a lot of information about her psychic abilities, the services she offers, her up coming appearnces, as well as some predictions for the future. In addition, there is some wonderfully insightful information on her thoughts about religion, God, and the purpose of life on this page. Many of which I myself have believed long before I ever knew anything about Sylvia. I highly recomend this site.

I also highly recommend her new book "Adventures of a Psychic", it goes into much greater detail about her life, her development as a psychic, her psychic guide Fransine, and what Fransine has to say about the other side, God, and the purpose of life.


Tarot Cards

On Line Course This is my favotire tool for learning basic, and some advanced skills in Tarot reading. It provides an course that can be either downloaded to your computer, or used right on the web. This if a perfect place o find answers to your questions, or to begin learning about the Tarot. All services here are also 100% free.

Tarot Resource Page. Another fabulous page, full of informtion concerning the tarot. Provides excellent supplimentary information to the "On-line course" link above.

Tarot, Tools and Rites of Transformation Excellent site full of information. Offers tarot news letter at a reasonable price (although I have not ordered it mysel). Page is another great site for supplimentary information.

Free Tarot Reading This page offers free internet reading, however it is computer generated. It also offers some limited information on the tarot itself.

Email Readings Offer reasonably priced readings via email. I can not recommend since I have never had a reading through this source. But this does seem to be affordably priced if someone is interesed in trying a reading for fun.

What is the Tarot Offers some good but liited informtion. Also offers readings which are in my opinion extremely overpriced, but that is for each consumer to decide for themselves.



Some decorations curtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels.


Have visited since January 10, 1999.