Josh's WebpageThis is the guy that taught me how to do all this web page stuff. His page has tons of stuff on it.

Elfanie's web page. Has lots of cute stuff for the kids to play with. As well as lots of good information on pregnancy, fertility, parenting, etc. You can also see her handsome faimily here.

Dallina's Page This page has some wonderful parenting information links. You can also see a Dallina's beautiful family.

ISCA Kids Page These are picutres of children whose parents participate on ISCA.

This is a web page about my religion for those of you who are curious about it when I say I am catholic but not Roman Catholic. Here is some explination of the Polish National Cathoilic Church. (yes I am a quarter Polish).



The Hunger Site Go here to donate free food to help fight hunger.



National Center for Missing and Exploited Children





Have visited since August 19, 1998.