In the beginning...

Our Dutch ancestors immigrated to Kinderhook, New York
in 1660 from Amsterdam. I'll update this page with the names
of the generations soon, I promise.

This is Lucas Van Allen's also known as Luykase Van Alen's
house. Mom and I went here here this fall(1999)
and we were so thrilled to actually be there!
Here's what I dug up about it...

Luykas Van Alen House - Route 9H - Kinderhook, 12106
1737 Dutch farmhouse with mid 18th century furnishings.
Site used in Martin Scorcesse's "The Age of Innocence."
Property includes c. 1920 Ichabod Crane Schoolhouse,
open Thursday thru Saturday from 11 to 5 and Sunday
from 1 to 5,Memorial Day thru Labor Day closed Monday and
Tuesday. The Luykas Van Alen House is owned and operated
by the Columbia County Historical Society.
Mom and I visited the Historical Society in Kinderhook
and the volunteers who worked there were all very kind
and gave us all kinds of great info.

This is me faking a break in at
the famous "Ichabod Crane Schoolhouse"
Of the "Headless Horseman" fame. It sits right
On the same property as Lucas Van Allen's house.
Cool, eh?

We stopped at the cemetary in Kinderhook
and were astonished at how many dead relatives we have there.

this is the highway marker in front of the house.

this is a view of the end of the house.

Mom taking a stroll around the front of the house.

this is a view of the grounds behind the house.

this is another pic of the house that I took.

The bloody Van Allen's sign the oath of allegiance to King William of Orange.
A list of the freeholders of the city and county of Albany. 1720
Original settlement was by the Dutch near Kinderhook

© 1999