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My Views of the Packers
By Brad McCrillis

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News Flash
***NEWS FLASH***Ray Rhodes is Fired......***NEWS FLASH***
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Awards Flash
***Awards Flash***Dorsey Levens Named Offensive Player of Week 17***Awards Flash***


First, I support Mr. Wolf in his decision to Fire Mr. Rhodes. This was the most lackluster season I have seen since before Holmgren was Hired. Be honest, what would the record have Been without Farve at QB? How many games, did it seem, or feel like he single handedly pulled the Packers out of the fire? The Defense, had no heart this year. I know they Lost Reggie, but with the way that they where coached, they also Lost Butler. I like the DB’s that they picked up last year in the draft, the defense, should have been better than it was. I hope, the next coach can see that Shaper has to go from the starting lineup. Did anyone else, get sick of hearing that the Packers had the worst tackling secondary in the NFL?

The Offense. Does anyone remember how the Packers use to have the first plays, scripted? How they so often seemed to come out on the first drive and score points? Grab the lead first. In football it, is a different game that you play, when you have the lead. How many first possessions this year, were three and out and kick?

Special Teams

What a JOKE! Three blocked field goals in three games straight, all three, where due to the same problem. This should have been addressed right after the Seahawks game. Why wait, until it has happened three times in a row, to work on it in practice?

Injury Update for Sundays Game
***Season is Over ***

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