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Gabriella Alexis' Home Page

Welcome to Gabriella's Home Page. She was born July 7, 1998, so she is 7 years old. (It's July, 2005 as this is updated). The picture above is of Gabi on her 6th birthday! I'll put a more recent picture on there soon. Click on the links below to see all about Gabi's life. The newest links are Gabi's 6th Birthday in 2004, her 7th Birthday in 2005, and her horseback riding lessons in 2005. Be sure to sign Gabi's Guestbook to let her know you stopped by! No one has signed it since 2003!! yikes! Also, if you go to the newest links, you might want to bookmark this page first before you go, because I put her pictures on photo hosting sites, so you will be leaving geocities when you see those pictures and might not be able to find your way back.

To view other moments in Gabriella's life, click in the table below.

Gabi's Shower
**Gabi's Baby Shower**
Newborn **Newborn Pics** Family Pics
**Family Pics**
One Month Old
**One Month Old Pics**
Two Months Old
**Two Month Old Pics**
Three Months Old
**Three Month Old Pics**
Four Month Pics
**Four Month Old Pics**
Five Month Pics
**Five Month Old Pics**
Six Month Pics
**Six Month Old Pics - First Christmas**
Wedding Pics
**Wedding Pics**
More Family
**More Family**
Family Links
**Family LInks**
9-10 Months
9-10 Month Pics
First Birthday
Gabi's First Birthday
Second Christmas
Second Christmas
Aunt Katie's B-day
Aunt Katie's 21st B-Day!
*Mom's 28th B-day*
Mom's 28th B-Day
*New!  Gabi's 2nd B-day!!*
Gabi's 2nd B-Day!
*Thanksgiving Fun
*Thanksgiving Fun - 2000!
Paul's 9th B-day
Go to Paul's page to see his 9th B-day Pics
Gabi's Third Christmas
Gabi's Third Christmas!!
Trip to Arbuckle Wildernes at Spring Break, 2001
Mom's 29th Birthday, June 14, 2001
*Mom's 29th Birthday, June 14, 2001
*Cousin, Blake's Homepage
Cousin, Blake's Homepage, born June 15, 2001
*Gabi is 3!
Gabi is 3!
*2nd Arbuckle Wilderness Trip - Summer, 2001
2nd Arbuckle Wilderness Trip - Summer, 2001!
*Gabi Goes to Gymnastic School
Gabi Goes to Gymnastic School
Third Trip to Arbuckle
Back to Arbuckle Wilderness, Spring Break, 2002
Uncle Scott's Wedding
Uncle Scott's Wedding, April, 2002
Gabi's 4th Birthday
Gabi's 4th Birthday, July 7, 2002
Gabi's 5th Birthday Party
Gabi's 5th Birthday Party
Spring Break 2004 - Zoo Trip
Spring Break 2004 - Zoo Trip with Blake, NeeNee, Mom and Aunt Katie
Gabi's 6th Birthday
July 7, 2004 - Gabi's 6th Birthday
Gabi's 7th Birthday
July 7, 2005 - Gabi's 7th Birthday
Gabi's Horseback Riding Lessons
Gabi's Horseback Riding Lessons

Please Sign Gabi's New Guestbook and let her know you are thinking of her!

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Come back soon to see Gabi grow!