Welcome to Andrew's webpage on scanner listening on Cape Cod.  Below you will find frequencies for police, fire, and railroads on the Cape.  Have fun, and if you have any questions, feel free to E-mail me.


• Cape Cod Central Railroad, the seasonal passenger railroad on the Cape, currently uses Bay Colony's Road frequency.
• The Bay Colony repeater outputs to the Road frequency, so there's really no need to monitor the repeater input if you're allready monitoring the Road frequency.

Fire and Rescue

• All Cape Cod fire departments are currently in the process of changing over to a trunked 800-mhz system, which is a part of the Massachusetts State Police statewide trunked system.  As time permits, I will provide the trunked frequencys and id's for these departments. (of course you'll need a trunk tracking scanner to listen to those frequencies)  Most (if not all) departments are still using these frequencies listed above, at this time.
•Most (if not all) fire departments are also rescue, and both share the same frequencies.


§ These frequencies in the VHF High Band make me suspicious that these departments (notice that they're all on the lower Cape) may already be on the new statewide trunked system. (see fire dept. notes above for more info on the trunked system)
• It appears that all Cape police departments, like the fire departments, will be included in the new 800-mhz trunked system.  I do not know if any police departments are on this new system yet.  As with the fire frequencies above, I'll add the new trunked frequencies and id's as time permits.


NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts on 162.550 Mhz from Camp Edwards in Falmouth, and can usually be heard anywhere on and around Cape Cod. You'll only need to program this channel into your scanner if your scanner doesn't have a weather button (that scans all the weather channels).  Since this station broadcasts constantly, if you do program it in to your scanner, you'll want to lock it out, and only unlock it when you want to listen to it.


There are approximately 45 Marine VHF frequencies, so I won't list them all.  The following are Marine VHF frequencies used around the Cape.  As time permits, I may add all the marine frequencies.

Channel No.     Frequency (Mhz.)   Use
12														156.600												Port Operations
16              156.800            Calling/Distress
21              157.050            Coast Guard
22              157.100            Coast Guard
23              157.150            Coast Guard


The following aircraft frequencies can be monitored on the Cape.

Well, that's all for now.  Hope you enjoy these frequencies, and check back to this page from time to time, as I hope to continually add to and update these frequencies.

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