Hi, My name is Miles.

I live in Iowa.
I have 1 older brother, 1 older sister, 1 younger sister, and 3 younger brothers.
I am homeschooled.

I am a Christian.
My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but should have everlasting life.

Here are some sites I really like.
Ford Page.
Cowboy Pal.
Custom Yacht Service.My uncle works here.
Lego Worlds.
How Stuff Works.

I like to visit with my friends.

I would like you to meet my sisters and brothers,
Lance,Linnea., Savannah., Raphael, Simeon, and Isaiah

I got my "Jesus Saves" sign from the Christisn Images Gallery

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