Joy's Page

I now work for Johnson County after Terracon turned out to be a complete disaster. They were apparently not serious about developing applications for clients do to the fact that management fought the developers on creating a proper development environment and establishing programming standards and procedures, and a System Development Lifecycle. I also discovered within a couple months of being there that they were not even sure if .NET was the platform they wanted to continue developing with. Needless to say, my employment there was short lived.

I have only been with Johnson County for a short time, but I can already feel the difference through the structure and friendliness of the staff. Unlike my previous employer, they are firm on .NET and I hope my skills will continue to grow as I get the opportunity to work in a more professional and structured environment.

Craig and I are nearing our 13th anniversary, which shocks anyone who meets us. They tell us we must have been babies when we were married. I guess that's not too far from the truth, but we've managed to keep loving each other over the years. We celebrated our 10th anniversary in Mexico and don't anticipate being able to take another trip like that until our 20th!!Mexico pictures.

We returned from our trip to Walt Disney World and Universal Studios in May of 2004. It went fast, but vacations always seem to fly by. We are already in the planning stages for our next trip in about 5 years. We'd like to go again at a time when Alec will be old enough to remember going. We reserved a 3 bedroom house to rent in Kissimmee and the house sold the week before we went. Due to this misfortune, the rental company gave us a 5 bedroom 4 bath house for the same price instead! Not too shabby, but we were in the parks most of the time so we did not have much of an opportunity to enjoy it. We are thinking about purchasing a nice camper and going to the Fort Wilderness camp resort on the next trip. The boys went on their first airplane ride and none of them really enjoyed it, it made their ears hurt. I don't think they'll mind the drive the next time we go and they should be old enough to contain themselves. Here's hoping anyway!!

We are now planning a trip to Colorado in early August. Craig and the boys, Craig's parents, and his sister, Lori, and her girls will be leaving around the 1st to go to Estes Park for a family reunion. I will be flying out to join them later in the week since I have no vacation time available. I do have a couple floating holidays that I can use to extend my weekend a little bit. Craig's brother, Brad, and his wife, Emily, just adopted a now 11-year-old Columbian boy this spring. This will be our first time meeting our new nephew, Juan David. The boys are excited to have another male in the family. Up til last year, they have been surrounded and outnumbered by girl cousins.

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Page Created ==> 01/10/2000
Last Updated ==> 05/11/2005