Do you have Eastern Township families? Looking to find some cousins? Add your webpage here to help others and yourself researching in the same area!

Please keep in mind that the pages you will find further down this page, are not general resource sites, rather individuals homepages which deal with specific names.

The Eastern Townships consists of counties Brome, Compton, Missisquoi, Shefford, Stanstead, Sherbrooke, Richmond, Megantic, Drummond, Arthabaska and Wolfe. Please be sure to include what county you are looking in.

Addresses of the local Genealogical or Historical Societies:

Brome County Historical Society
P.O. Box 690
Knowlton, Quebec J0E 1V0
tel: 514-243-6782

Genealogical Society of the Eastern Townships
275, rue Dufferin
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1H 4M5
Quebec Family History Society
PO Box 1026
Postal Station Pointe Claire
Pointe Claire, Quebec H9S 4H9
tel: 514-695-1502
Compton County Historical Museum Society
374 Route 253
Eaton Corner, Quebec J0B 1M0
tel: 819-875-5256

Lennoxville-Ascot Historical Society
Belvedere Street
Lennoxville, Quebec J1M 1Z7
Richmond County Historical Society
PO Box 280
Melbourne, Quebec J0B 2B0


Societe d'Histoire de Drummondville
545 des Ecoles
Drummondville, Quebec J2B 1J6

Attn: Mrs. Yolande Allard

Lac Megantic Municipal Library
5086 Frontenac Street
Lac Megantic, Quebec G6B 1H3
tel: 819-583-0876
Shefford County Historical Society
66 Dufferin Street
Vittie House
Granby, Quebec J2G 4W7
Eastern Townships Research Centre
Faculty Box 38
Bishop's University
Lennoxville, Quebec J1M 1Z7
tel: 819-822-9600, ext. 261
Missisquoi Historical Society
PO Box 186
Stanbridge East, Quebec J0J 2H0
Stanstead Historical Society
PO Box 268
Stanstead, Quebec J0B 3E0



BARTLETT of Stanstead Co.


BULLOCK Burrows, Odenwelder, Schmidt, Miller/Master of Stanstead Co.
Tom & Ginny Deagan's Home Page: An Index to the Genealogical Web Pages that they have online

CAMBER Stanstead and Shefford Counties

Drew's Home Page- DREW, LADD, WASHBURN, of Stanstead Co area. A site that gives you the opportunity to add your link or Email address with a small summary of your research. A searchable data base, from their English, Canadian and US lines. Photo Galleries, Civil War Letters and 'Reflections'can also be found here.

Major Surnames: US and Canada: Bickford, Drew, Ladd, Twofoot, Washburn, Witham, Winslow English Lines: Gibbs, Holmes, Kirkby, McLeish, Nicholson, Pickford, Suttill, Steele, Wootten, Wright

CUMMINGS and MARTIN (also Lyster, Farr and Cameron) of Compton Co.

ELDRIDGE of Brome Co.

ELLIOTT and LYSTER of Drummond Co.

Griffin , Bagley  and Quimby  in the Eastern Townships

HALL of Shefford County

HALL of Stanstead County


The Hebridean Scots of the Province of Quebec

HUBBARD Allan Gilbertson's Genealogy Page

LONGEWAY, of Missisquoi , Brome Cos.

MACKEY, MCIVER, of Compton Co.

MACKEY and COLVIN, of Megantic Co area

McCLINTOCK of Shefford and Stanstead Counties

McLAUGHLIN of Shefford County

NUTBROWN, of Megantic Co.

PERKINS, of Richmond Co.


SCOTT, of Missisquoi Co.

SHURTLEFF of Stanstead Co. (see 6th generation)

SMITH, Cushing, Hooper, Welch, of Richmond Co.

TWOFOOT, Stanstead Co.

TRUAX of Missisquoi Co.

TRYON of Missisquoi, Stanstead Cos. - [part of the Tryon-Union website]

VINCENT, of Missisquoi Co.

WINSLOW and WITHAM, Stanstead Co.

WOODROW of both Stanstead Co and Richmond Co.



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Ahnentafel Chart, Camber Chart, Camber-H. S., Camber-J. H., Camber-Kemp T., Camber-R. A, Canadian Links, Census Links, Church Chart, Cross Chart, Cross Chart Page Two, Drummond-M., Eastern Township Links, Egan Chart, Egan, H., Email Me England Links, Family Links, Fergus, A., Fergus Girls, Fergus-I.S. General Genealogy Links, Graphics links, Hall Chart, Hall, E.(3), Hall, E.(4), Hall, J. C. *photo*, Heisler Chart, Higgins Chart, Higgins-A., Higgins-H. W. *photo*, Higgins-L. M. *photo*, Higgins-T. W., Higgins-W. F. *photo*, Index-Front Page, Ireland Links, Links Tree, Martin Chart, Martin-G. H., Martin-J. G., Martin-Jos., Martin-J. R. *photo*, Martin-R. C., Martin-W. D. *photo*, McArthur Chart, McArthur-G *photo*, McArthur-Jas, McArter-Jas Sr.,  McArthur-Jas D. *photo*, McArthur-T. R., McClintock-H. E. *photo*, McClintock Chart, McClintock Genealogy Page, McClintock-H, McLaughlin-C. E. *photo*, McLaughlin-C. W. *photo*, McLaughlin-Wm. *photo*, Nova Scotia Links, Pearl Chart, Pearl-B. L., Pearl-F. C., Pearl-Ira B., Pearl-W., Pearl, W. S., Photo of the McArthur Brothers James and Thomas, Quebec Links, Ransom-J., Robicheau, Wm  *photo*, Scotland Links Stevens Chart, Surnames List, Vermont Links, Wyatt-Jones-P, Wyatt-Jones-R. A.*photo*, Young Chart