I would like to thank you for stopping by.

I have just moved in to geocities and though I have been on the net for a couple of years, I have mostly been a looker (lurker) with little inclination to try my own hand at a web page. I don't expect m racles from myself today, yet I intend on making progress on this site. With that said I would appreciate comments or opinions that you may have.

Bad Bunny - 12/04/00 02:35:16
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

dayna - 10/31/00 17:05:56
My Email:daynao2000@cs.com
I was going to call and decided not to. You did not ask if I wanted to come but... ...I decided I wont. The funeral is for the living and noone can care either way I think so... ...I will talk to Dad in Heaven through Jesus. Please call

Lisa - 04/13/00 20:38:14
My Email:mslisa43@hotmail.com
Comments: very nice
Your Favorite Book: V.C. Andrews fan myself.... John Saul also
Your Hero (most admired): my mother,,,,,she was a saint.......I learned so much from her.....
Prefer City or Country: COUNTRY, NO QUESTION THERE
Optimist or Pessimist: optimist
Your Favorite Animal: I live in the country, i cant love one more than the other, all but maybe the skunk that keeps hanging around.......
hi Ernie Your website was very nice....It is good to see a man that has family values. I would like to hear from you again if you would like.. I live out in the country in a stone house and absolutly love it. I wouldn't live in town for all the $ in the world. My oldest son lives about 6 miles down the road. Hope to hear from you soon. Lisa........(Mae is my real name)

Ernie - 04/11/00 18:09:11
My Email:ejimmyr@go.com or ejimmyr@yahoo.com
Comments: good job
Your Favorite Book: eye of the world
Prefer City or Country: city
Optimist or Pessimist: optimist
Your Favorite Animal: cat

Jimmy Reida - 03/23/00 20:22:21
My Email:ejimmyr@yaoo.com
Comments: good job
Your Favorite Book: Eye of the World
Your Hero (most admired): Taz
Prefer City or Country: Harper
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Your Favorite Animal: Cat
Good Job DAd!!!!!!!!!!!

Cindy Gasper - 08/01/99 01:36:02
My Email:roncin4@yahoo
Comments: What fun - thank you for sharing with me and others..you are courageous!!!!
Your Favorite Book: Too many to list
Your Hero (most admired): My parents & feinds in recovery
Prefer City or Country: Both are good for differnt things
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist with a fatalistic view of life
Your Favorite Animal: Bentlee, my dog
I love you!!! And I miss you everyday!!!

michbabe - 08/24/98 04:03:55
My Email:michbabe@mich.com
Your Hero (most admired): Ernie Reida ok ok do I win a prize?
Prefer City or Country: country
Optimist or Pessimist: optimist
Your Favorite Animal: dragon LOL
your website is wonderful. As I always said you have a way with words Ernie.. Keep up the good work and I'll keep coming back and checking for new work. Love to you always Michbabe

Rusty Reida - 08/10/98 18:59:45
My Email:reida3@hotmail.com
Comments: looking great!
Your Favorite Book: Pawn of Prophcey
Prefer City or Country: country
Optimist or Pessimist: both

gary swift - 07/30/98 19:25:15
Your Favorite Book: the stand
Your Hero (most admired): marvin swift
Prefer City or Country: country
Optimist or Pessimist: depends on the day
Your Favorite Animal: my dog duke

Guy Lamoreaux - 07/30/98 19:16:15
My Email:you know!!
Comments: Get out of town.
Your Hero (most admired): Guy Lamoreaux
Prefer City or Country: Yes
Optimist or Pessimist: Yes
Your Favorite Animal: all meat eaters
If I think of any Ill come and see ya.

LARRY MUMFORD - 07/30/98 19:14:32
Optimist or Pessimist: OPTIMIST
Your Favorite Animal: HORSE

Laura - 07/27/98 23:13:41
My URL:http://www.nb.net/~critter/
Your Favorite Book: Language of the Heart
Your Hero (most admired): BillW of course!
Prefer City or Country: Hmmm - I haven't seen them all yet!
Optimist or Pessimist: Cock-eyed Optimist!
Your Favorite Animal: Dolphin
Hey Ernie - thanks for coming by and signing my guestbook! Took me awhile to find you because there was a typo in the url you left, but I'm here now. Just thought I'd let you know that I lived in Chanute KS up until a year and a half ago, so we've proba ly met somewhere in a meeting in Kansas at some time or other :) Keep up the good work! Love in the fellowship, Laura

Kim Tedrow - 07/23/98 04:10:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/RoseRead/AboutRoseRead.html
My Email:roseread@aol.com
Comments: {{{{{{{{{{Ernie}}}}}}}}}}}
Your Favorite Book: too many to name
Your Hero (most admired): Peter Falk
Prefer City or Country: Country
Optimist or Pessimist: optimist
Your Favorite Animal: buffalo
Hey Ernie -- keep this going, I love it. yours in sobriety, Kim roseread@aol.com

Kathi Ley - 07/21/98 22:25:37
My Email:kathi@parr.com
Comments: Excellent Ernie !!!
Your Favorite Book: Handbook For the Soul by Richard Carlson
Prefer City or Country: Portland, Oregon
Optimist or Pessimist: Both
Your Favorite Animal: Cat or Dog
Hi Ernie, This is just Great.... I will miss your posts to Nosmoke. I plan to visit you here often, just to 'Keep in Touch'... Best of Luck to you my Friend see you soon!

Mary F - 07/21/98 08:29:25
My Email:ranthard@cris.com
Very impressive Ernie! An awesome effort--but I'm not suprised. :)

Adam Reida - 07/21/98 01:48:07
My Email:areida@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Eye of the World
Your Hero (most admired): Myself
Prefer City or Country: Wichita
Optimist or Pessimist: Both
Your Favorite Animal: Ferret
This is a pretty good web page!!!!

Adam Reida - 07/21/98 01:46:26
My Email:areida@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Eye of the World

Ernie - 07/20/98 03:35:43
My URL:http://www.ernth.com
My Email:ernth@southwind.net
Comments: confused...
Your Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings
Your Hero (most admired): Larry Bird
Prefer City or Country: country
Optimist or Pessimist: half & half LOL
Your Favorite Animal: wolf
It may seem a little weird signing my own guest book but I wanted to SEE something when I look at it. Don't be too hard on me, it is not easy to learn new tricks.

- 07/14/98 20:00:11

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