Happy   Holidays


Echoes of a Gift

As we pause to thank the Lord
in a thanksgiving way,
echoes ring of season's joy
and bring note to Christmas Day.
Echoes...yes, echoes of Thanksgiving lift,
give way to...
a Christmas gift.

Echoes sound from every wall,
Thanksgiving begins anew...
around the table the echoes bounce
the news of the wise men's view.
Echoes...yes, echoes of Thanksgiving lift,
give way to...
a Christmas gift.

Christmas echoes a long ago night
when the christ child was born...
born to live and then to reach
us past that heavenly morn.
Echoes...yes, echoes of Thanksgiving lift
give way to...
a Christmas gift.

Christmas echoes with chimes and bells
ringing to welcome us all.
Thanksgiving turns to Christmas
and then we deck the hall.
Echoes...yes, echoes of Thanksgiving lift
give way to...
a Christmas gift.

Even trees are trimmed and blessed
with echoes of Christmas past.
Memories of peace, goodwill on earth
never fade, but last.
Echoes...yes, echoes of Thanksgiving lift
give way to...
a Christmas gift.

Echoes of a baby's sweet cry
sounding softly after birth
adored from far and near,
a gift for all mankind on earth.
Echoes...yes, echoes of Thanksgiving lift
give way to...
a Christmas gift.

November 22, 1995

This is our Christmas card
to all our friends
and friends of friends.
May you experience
peace and love
the holidays.
Merry Christmas
from L. Jean and "Notme"


Many thanks to Animation Factory and Claire Bull for the graphics so kindly shared.
Also to Laura's Midi Heaven for "What Child is This?"
All of them have a wonderful selection to chose from.
Merry Christmas to the three of you!