Following Erin close behind was Opal who also brushed the Gulf Coast and inspiring her own story:
Opal in her rage, spurned lover of the seas...
she hurried on to land, seeking Erin and his path.
First, too far South, then heading North, then East...
growing ire of untold speed on losing him
just two months past.
Sensing Erin needed her strength,
knowing not of his demise,
then preying on those living there,
caring not about their lives...
only that she find him soon.
Reeling still from Erin's wrath,
earthlings ready for the storm,
wary of the strength she packed,
twice the fury of Erin's might
and more to come as she nears.
Not a lady to reckon with, this one...
vindictive, vicious and vixen,
she turns on them with more to spare.
Evolution spawns meaning
as she nears the coast's white sands.
Tormenting waves beat the shore,
with less abandon than ever,
she squalls mercilessly for a clue.
Finding Erin's footsteps at last,
she cries teardrops of rain.
This, the nemesis of her travels,
not to find him, but his trail.
She throws her anger before her...
of Sir Erin and his passing,
her thoughts of a gentle sailor.
What purpose was his visit here?
And who did Erin leave behind,
but a young woman much in love.
No strings to break, just hers were tied.
No qualms were his to ease
the burden of their closeness.
The Old Man of the Sea left her behind,
knowing his days were numbered.
The lovely mermaid was but young.
She followed her heart, not her head.
In their torment, the Emerald Coast
was victim of their love.
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Please do not use these poems as your own and respect our rights as the author.
The title buttons are my own. The background is courtesy of
Laurie Farese.
Copyright ©1999
All rights reserved.
"Music courtesy of
Duane Frybarger
Do not use these images or music without permission.
I started my pages using what was believed to be public domain, but I prefer to give credit where due.
However, if you should see something on my pages that is yours,
please let me know so that I will have the opportunity to remove or give proper credit.
They are shared for your enjoyment.
Thank you.