Tribute To Ole Trigger

Of many a horse named Trigger,
none stand out as well
as the one Dad raised with me,
the story of which I tell...
Ole Trigger was only a mustang
who learned respect for his master,
but to me he was a horse
who sometimes spelled disaster!
He admired the man who fed him
and loathed those not his boss.
He'd fetch a wallet like a dog,
then bow just like a hoss.
As long as his master was nearby,
he'd tolerate another's presence,
but sure as he was alone with you,
he'd attack if given a chance!
Spurred on by his master's words,
he basked in glory at all the shows.
He needed only a verbal command
to bring home trophies and bows.
The barrels and stakes by memory
he wound with graceful ease.
The cattle were rounded
with a second nature-
just hang on if you please!
When time had passed and he had aged,
an act of love retired him.
Becoming king of the pasture,
he enjoyed his peaceful interim.
I'll ne'er forget this dedicated horse
who knows Hoss Heaven's repletion.
for now, Ole Trigger rules on
in eternal celestial distinction!
   March 4, 1980

 This is a true story. Trigger was an all around
winner of many local horse shows I attended
with my family as a youth. He was extremely
                            intelligent and dedicated to my father...typical of a mustang.
He lived to be almost 25 years old,
taken from the wild and trained with love,
               understanding and a lot of  sweat. I have many
special memories of him and other horses
I have known through the years.
                        He was the beginning of what I feel was an anecdote for my terrible "horse fever"!
That fever will never wane, no matter my age!
I have a strong appreciation for the horse as one of
God's most beautiful and majestic beast on earth.
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