The next day we were off to Canada's Wonderland, which is an amusement park. How JohnnY went on those roller coasters after the night he had is beyond me!

Here we are in front of the garden. And no, we didn't climb the mountain but we did go through it! L-R Bama, Bauer, Judles, SeeAll and JohnnY. Mountain

Shiva When we saw this, we knew we had to take a picture. I'm just hoping I won't get banned again for posting it!! L-R Sam, Judles, and Seeall sticking her tongue out!!

Now on to the evening's activities!

Sis SeeAll Judles and Sam

We are now joined by Sis, who is sitting here wondering what we're gonna do, along with SeeAll, Judles, and Sam. To see Sis' site, just click on her picture!

Here we are at dinner, the first sighting of Jerry Springer, who unfortunately was not included in the photograph. It was on this fateful nite that Bauer indulged in dairy products and Sawmill Creek Wine!! It looks like I'm pushing SeeAll out of the way so I can get my face in yet another picture! Restaurant

Dinner Another dinner shot. Fortunately I'm not in it!

Now onto the night time activities! We hit the bar in the hotel and had a blast!

Bama See None JohnnY

Bama, SeeAll (who sees none) and JohnnY!

Drinking Buddies Bauer and Judles

Drinking Buddies Bauer and Judles. Every time I see these pics, it makes me laugh!

Hair Straw I can't

Last Smile

Remember this smile, cause it will be the last one for Bauer on this night!!!

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