Gross Farms Alfalfa is a commercial alfalfa production farm in northeastern North Dakota. Our Location is 170 miles north of Fargo, ND. We have two Case-IH 8575 medium square balers equipped with automatic proprionic acid treaters. To see pictures of this years crop please click here. Quality test results are available upon request. Please contact us if you would like more information. We also have straw bales for sale. Transportation is available at a rate of $1.50/ loaded mile. We would like to provide you with a consistent quality product and establish a long term working relationship with you.

If you are interested in finding out more about
our Alfalfa bales you can contact us at

Gross Farms Alfalfa
c/o Kenny Gross
7903 119th Ave NE
Edinburg, ND 58227-9550
(701)496-3199 (fax number)
toll free:
1-877-Hay-load (1-877-429-5623)

E-Mail us at webrings Gross Farms Alfalfa links pictures

Please come back soon and visit us.

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