Hi. I'm Pippi.On my homepage I have lots of stuff about cats. Cat Breeds, How to care for them and neat stuff just about cats.Now you can jump into petz 3 land!! A whole new page for petz lovers!

Last updated 2nd Febuary 1999

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*What's new*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

-The judging of the frisby contest has been finalised to see the winner go to petz and frisby throwing contest.
-A "where's that cat?" contest. For details see the link.

How to care for your cat
Choosing your cat
Neat stuff about cats
Breeds of cats
About me
Grave Yard For Cats
Making your cat happy
Good sites on the web
Catz and Dogz!
Awards and stuff
What's PRAVP stand for?
Where's that cat?
The squares just say that that site is connected with the web ( There are things from the web or links to the web).

© 1998