Father: György Mailáth
Mother: Baroness Stephanie Hilleprand de Prandau *1831+1914
Sister: Etelka, Sarolta
Brother: György, István Geza, József, László
Names: Gusztáv Károly Mailáth
Born: 24 September 1864
Died: 1940
Mail: tmajlath@melbpc.org.au
HTTP: http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Bluffs/9548/
Count Gusztáv Károly was a Transylvanian Roman Catholic Bishop from 1897 to 1938. In the late 19th. Century his wealth and generosity paid for a palatial new Catholic Elementary School for boys in Komárom county.
He and his brothers received nobility on 5 October 1885. His sister, Sarolta, five years later.
Last updated 27 January 2000 by T. Majlath.(tmajlath@melbpc.org.au)
Picture of Gusztav Mailáth kindly supplied by Joseph Mailáth.(JEMailath@aol.com)
A part of the FAMILY WEB Project.